Release date: 2022-11-07     Source: RX    Author: Julia Bernert    Hits: 139    
Note: Premiere: HYROX at FIBO
 In 2023 FIBO will extend its join-in sports ranges to include the HYROX fitness contest, to be held
at the World’s Leading Trade Show for Fitness, Wellness and Health in Cologne from 13 to 16 April. 

Functional Training, HIIT, running: three competition methods, one competition for everyone. What celebrated its
premiere in Hamburg in 2017, has become one of the most demanding fitness challenges since. In 2023 FIBO will
bring the “HYROX” sporting event to the Exhibition Centre Cologne as part of a new cooperation. Promoting physical
exercise in everyday life is centrestage here. The mission is to raise awareness for a healthy, active lifestyle among
the public at large. The event especially addresses target groups that lack motivating goals such as comparative
situations in competitions, as do gym-goers or runners – regardless of age or gender.

“In HYROX we have found a partner that perfectly matches not only FIBO and our brand but also our visitors’ interests,
” delights Silke Frank, Event Director of FIBO. The World’s Leading Trade Show for Fitness, Wellness and Health is a
pioneer when it comes to proverbially “moving” society. FIBO not only fosters professional exchange related to health,
therapy and wellness topics at the trade show proper in Cologne; as a member of initiatives and associations such as
“Exercise is Medicine” and “EuropeActive” FIBO also takes action against lack of exercise all year round and worldwide.  


This is also where HYROX kicks in – because HYROX “elevates” trainings to competitions; aiming at more motivation,
more routines and more health. In one race eight one-kilometre runs have to be completed with one workout station
between each run. Here typical exercises from Functional Training, Crossfit and athletics training have to be completed
in a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The fastest contestant to complete the course comprising Ski Erg, Sled Push,
Sled Pull, Burpee Broad Jump, Rowing Machine, Kettleball Farmer Carry, Sandbag Lunges and Wall Balls is the winner.

“We are delighted to bring HYROX as a low-threshold event for everybody to FIBO. The race requires highly effective
endurance and muscle strength training for preparation,” says Frank and adds: “In line with their age group and gender all
visitors can take part in the race – depending on their own fitness even in doubles or team relays.”

More details about what visitors can expect in concrete terms, in which setting and where, to follow in October
at www.fibo.com and www.hyrox.com.

