Myplant & Garden

   Date: 2016-12-12     Hits: 166    Status: Status
Date 2017-02-22 to 2017-02-24
City Fiera Milano
Address FIERA MILANO Strada Statale 33 del Sempione, 28, 20145 Rho Milano
Hall Fiera Milano Rho Pero
Organizer V Group Srl legal head office
Official Website
Fiera Milano: Myplant & Garden is once again the leader of the green sector in Italy.
Milan, February 26 - The second edition of the International Green Expo fulfils the expectations: queues at the entrance, the number of visitors increases (40% more than in 2015), continuous flow of operators through the stands, a lot of business and useful contacts for the exhibitors (this year they were 441: 102 more than in 2015).

“The figures – says Gianpietro D’Adda, president of the Consorzio Myplant – talk for themselves and alert that Myplant is the most important professional trade fair of the sector in Italy. We are already collecting subscriptions for the next edition from companies that came to visit the fair – especially from the North of Europe – and we are getting orders. We are talking with people who are interested and interesting,” he concludes.

Also Valeria Randazzo, Exhibition Manager, is satisfied: “Our goal, since last year, was to become in time the great reference exhibiting space for the sector, some kind of ‘turnkey’ trade fair for the operators. The outcome is rewarding for the work that has been done so far, and this second edition has unexpectedly moved forward with a great pace”. 

The 15.000 sqm of halls 16 and 20 in Fiera Milano have been the center of the international business in floriculture and all the green sector for 3 days, showing all the 8 sectors represented (garden centers, flowers, decorations, building, machinery, services, techniques and vases) and the liveliness of an industry that in Italy is worth 3 billion euro, employs 150 thousand people and is present with 50 thousand companies.

The innovations showed in the fair have been various: from soils, to seeds, to substrates, to fertilisers, up to new wireless technologies for planting, the new super-drainable asphalt and new incubators for young plants (professional, industrial but also domestic). In the spotlight of all this, there has been the Italian excellence of aromatic plants, cactuses, healing herbs, orchard trees, potted green, small and big trees, with a lot of solutions for the vegetable garden, the garden, the greenhouse, the balcony and the dehors – furniture, vases, various and colourful accessories included. An ample space has also been dedicated to the grasses used in sports- and urban areas, but also to vertical green walls suitable for a domestic use and every kind of object and tool useful for restorer and gardener. Among them statues, fountains and floorings. Let us not forget the structures and technologies for a protected care of plants, the products for plant health and the services (from IT to etiquettes, going through logistics, printing, softwares and publishing houses). This second edition of Myplant has been larger and more complete and it has opened its doors to the world of landscape gardening also on a large scale, with stunning exhibiting and contentrelated results.

As far as contents are concerned: the program of meetings, seminars and round tables has certainly been rich and it has involved in conversation professionals, entrepreneurs, institutions, politicians, universities, research centers and association. They have been able to talk about numbers, ideas, plans of action, new projects. The themes have been biodiversity, sustainability, natural resources, floricultural production but also building, projects, planning, architecture and renovation of the public and private green areas and territories. Demonstrations and beautiful creations have been continuous, there have been exhibitions and artistic installations by the international excellence in flower decoration, with parades of models with flowery hairstyles. Other sections of the trade fair have been the protagonists of signature show cookings connected to natural flavours. Last but not least, a futuristic garden center, where the concept has been reinterpreted according to an innovative experiential logic.

Among the foreign exhibitors, the leaders have been the Netherlands, followed by Germany and Denmark. There have also been exhibitors from Japan and Asia. Lombardia and Veneto, instead, have been the Italian protagonists in the show.
Address:Via G. Gozzano, 4 - 20131 Milano
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