Plastivision Arabia

   Date: 2014-08-22     Hits: 234    Status: Status
Date 2016-01-10 to 2016-01-13
City Arabia
Address P.O.Box: 3222, Sharjah United Arab Emirates
Hall Expo Centre Sharjah
Organizer The All India Plastics Manufacturers’ Association (AIPMA)
Official Website
      Middle East - Emerging plastics trade hub

Plastics are one of the greatest innovations of the millennium and in today's world, life without plastics is incomprehensible.

The plastic industry barely existed about fifty years ago. Now, plastics represent one of the most ubiquitous raw materials used in a wide gamut of industries ranging from construction, automotives, packaging, electrical & electronics, appliances to medical products.

The Middle East, during the last decade, has fast emerged as a serious player in the global market owing to the twin benefits of low raw material and feedstock prices and proximity to the highly lucrative Asian market.

Being a rapidly growing area, the Middle East offers an excellent opportunity for companies in this field. With huge volumes coming on line in the next few years, and the region becoming the focus of international polymer producers and converters, there is immense growth potential for the regional downstream plastics industry.

The cost advantage

Feedstock and logistics are the top two cost components of petrochemicals products wher the Gulf enjoys an advantage over Asia and Europe. First, feedstock cost is lower in the Gulf owing to its rich oil and gas reserves.

The rationale for the lower feedstock rates are that it is a natural by-product in upstream operations and hence involves minimal cost of production. This cheap and assured supply provides a significant competitive advantage to the Gulf players vis-à-vis their global competitors who procure feedstock at market rates.

Secondly, the GCC’s closeness to demand clusters – specifically India and China – offers a significant logistic cost advantage.

These cost advantages, coupled with increasing environmental regulation of petrochemicals companies in the west and rising margin pressure globally, offer a congenial environment for petrochemicals industry growth in the Gulf.

Figuring it out

The Middle East plastics industry is expected to record an annual growth of 30 per cent over the next five years, which is regarded as the fastest rate of growth in the world

Annual petrochemicals and plastics production of the Gulf states is expected to jump around 46 per cent to 155 million tonnes per annum by 2015, up from 105 million now, attracting investments to the tune of US$ 55 billion


The UAE currently produces 3.4 million tonnes of petrochemicals and plastics annually, which is expected to more than double to 7.8 million by 2015


The production of the polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and polystyrene will double to reach more than 23.6 million tonnes in the Gulf by 2015, in comparison to the 2010 figure of 13.5 million tonnes, an increase of 75 per cent


The Gulf region produces over 25 million tonnes of plastic resins annually, out of which close to three million tonnes is converted into finished and semi-finished industrial and consumer plastic products

The UAE advantage

The trade hub of the Middle East

Major polymer processing centre

Gateway to GCC and African countries

Modern ports and logistics facilities

Free trade zones

Tax-free environment

Availability of highly skilled workforce

Favourable labour laws

Located close to major consumer base

Located close to major consumer base

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