Agriculture plays an important role in Vietnam’s economy.
Vietnam is ubiquitous for the long history of agriculture with many famous agricultural products worldwide. In recent years, along with the application of
science and technology, implementation of the production method under VIETGAP standard, GLOBAL GAP standard, organic products … the quality of Vietnamese agriculture products is raising and the domestic as well as international markets are extended.
According to statistics from General Statistics Office of Vietnam, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first 6 months of 2015 increased by 6.28% and the sectors of agriculture, forestry and fishing rose by 2.36% over the same period last year. The value of export turnover of agriculture, forestry and fishing reached 32 billion USD.
Additionally, Vietnam has just completed the process of negotiation and signing the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with EU. The most obvious favorable is Vietnamese agricultural products approached EU markets with the tax rate at 0% and agriculture remains its strength of Vietnam. Furthermore, The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) bring more opportunities for Vietnamese agriculture to increase production and expand agricultural market into global agriculture.
The mission objective in 2016 of Vietnamese agriculture is concentrate on the industry’s structure in order to promote economic growth; apply the science, technique, technology into production, environmental protection; improve people’s income, develop agricultural products with the high competitiveness in the region in particular and the world in general.