Body Charger Fitness

  • Brand Name:Body Charger Fitness
  • Company:Gee Hoo Industrial Corp. 吉赫實業有限公司
  • Website
  • Area:TaiwanChanghua County
  • Hits2059
  • Updated:2022-03-18
Brand Introduction
Founded in 1979 and headquartered in Changhua, Taiwan, Body Charger Fitness is a market leader in developing innovations to help people get moving, stay active and improve their quality of life. Body Charger Fitness empowers and inspires people to perform low-impact workouts, and is poised to make it easier for all ages and abilities to live healthily. The company is making its services affordable and available for general hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, elderly care facilities, education, uniformed service (military/police/fire department), residential complexes, and fitness centers around the globe in almost all countries. For more information, please visit

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