• Brand Name:SONG GER GARDEN Tools. Co.,Ltd
  • Company:SONG GER GARDEN Tools. Co.,Ltd 松格園藝器材有限公司
  • Website
  • Area:TaiwanTaichung City
  • Hits266
  • Updated:2021-03-08
Brand Introduction
 Songger is currently best-known garden tools brand in Taiwan, we believe in「Integrity, Trust, Quality, Innovation」Since 1984, we have obtained more than thirty patents and a great number of customers approval.

 Songger strongly believe in quality as the most important aspect of our work, all of Songger products are made in Taiwan, we are very confident in this field of productions and our products are reliable.

 Songger listen to customers needs, continue to develop and innovate, so that we can continuously satisfy our customers most and increasing needs.

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