Motor Trader 2023

M otor Bike Expo concluded on Sunday by sending out a strong signal of optimism. The quality of visitors characterized the Verona show from the very first day. A result that confirms the show's ability to represent all components of the world of motorcycles. "Once again the meeting of economy and passion marks the strength of MBE," says Paola Somma, co-founder of the event. "The message that motorcycles send us is to get back on the road, in freedom, with the grit and determi- nation that is in every motorcyclist." For Veronafiere President Maurizio Danese, "this is another challenge won for the trade fair system, both from an organization- al and commercial point of view. Motor Bike Expo has once again confirmed that fairs can and must remain open thanks to the strictest prevention protocols, which also on this occasion proved their full effectiveness." To the fair, for the complex management of entry regula- tions, and to the exhibitors, MBE's patron, Francesco Agnoletto, addresses a special thanks: "The large spaces of the fairgrounds proved to be a fundamental resource: and Veronafiere's entry and security systems Motor Bike Expo 2022 MOTOR TRADER TRADE SHOW REVIEW By/ Press Center 156